Check out EXPO’s upgraded badge ordering system!

In an effort to streamline the registration process for EXPO badges and Awards Show tickets, ED Publications is thrilled to introduce a brand new online ordering system at Found under this specific tab, attendees will now find a more familiar online “cart” shopping experience.

“As online shopping has become the norm for most people, we wanted our EXPO website to offer the same type of shopping experience as any other that an attendee would be familiar with,” says ED Publisher Dave Manack. “Thanks to our web guys Jake Record and Kevin Pennington, and through the assistance of our credit card processor Miriam Ramos of Platinum Solutions, we’re excited to modernize our online badge ordering experience.”

With ease of use being the primary goal, visitors to will find a more streamlined presentation. For those registering for EXPO, it’s easy to select your badge designation (club owner, general manager, club staff, entertainer, etc.) and see exactly how much your credit card will be charged after applying current discounts — including a 10% discount when you register three or more guests at the same time.

So, why not try it out for yourself?! Registration for the 2024 ED EXPO is now live at the www.theEDexpo website. Please note that the early registration rate of $299 per badge is available from now ONLY UNTIL March 31 (feature entertainer badges are just $199). From April 1 through May 31 the badge price slightly increases to $319, and all EXPO badges purchased after May 31 will be $369.

And don’t forget your ED’s Awards Show tickets!

By popular demand, this year’s ED’s Awards Show will feature roundtable seating and includes multiple “tiers” including VIP tables (four upfront tables which must be purchased in full to reserve the entire table). This year’s ED Awards Show will be held at Gilley’s in Dallas, and the seating map is also available at The newly upgraded online ordering system includes the Awards Show ticket purchasing process.

For the first time in the EXPO’s history, Dallas will play host to the industry’s only national convention, tradeshow and awards show. Find out more right here!

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Countdown to EXPO



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