ER Michelle Lynn

Michelle Lynn
Originally from Seattle, Michelle Lynn currently resides on the East Coast after bouncing around the US the last 12 years, including a seven-year stint in LA. She loves experiencing new places and new environments—each place offers a learning experience.

Countdown to EXPO



Showclub VIP #33

Showclub VIP 888-250-4718 ShowClub VIP is a non web-based, innovative operations management system, and is easily customized to individual businesses. The product provides the functionality and...

Go Best/Hustler Quad 3

Go Best/Hustler 866-258-8055 OFFICE@GOBESTBIZ.COM The specialists at GoBig Entertainment, Solutions & Technology, or GoBEST, are highly trained in all aspects of marketing, hospitality, operations, systems, and more....

Club Control Systems #70

Club Control Systems 770-674-8633 Club Control Systems’ VIP Valet transforms the way clubs operate by integrating all of the operational systems into one real-time system, designed...

AllianceHCM #10

AllianceHCM AllianceHCM’s tech software allows users to effortlessly manage their workforce’s payroll, HR, benefits, onboarding, offboarding and more all in one place.    

Platinum Solutions #71

Platinum Solutions 216-543-4983 Worried about switching? Changing processors is a seamless transition with Platinum Solutions. Whether you accept electronic payments through a compliant POS, a payment page...

BLUbeem by Brinks #68

BLUbeem by Brinks BLUbeem brings together cash management and digital payment processing, creating an easy and accessible total payments solution for businesses. As a powerful,...